~ GRAND OPENING ~ LiThO - the tiny art(ist) Café feat. Michiel Bechirs Art


LiThO - the tiny art(ist) Café

the newest Gallery within the Corsica South Coasters Community is happy to officially 
open to the public and present the upcoming September exhibiton and artist: 

Michiel Bechir

we would love to see you at the

Grand Opening & Art Party
Sunday, September 03 rd at 12pm SLT

DJ-Duo Lizzy & Tom will provide the appropriate musical entertainment!

LiThO is an adaption of the owner and founder names of this place (Lizzy & Tom) and the wording Lithography, which stands for the oldest flat printing process and was invented in 1798 by the German Alois Senefelder. It was one of the most widely used printing techniques for colored printed matter in the 19th century. Artists such as Francisco de Goya, Salvador Dalí and Pablo Picasso were also fascinated by the technical possibilities. Joan Miró also proved to be a sovereign master of lithographic techniques.