An exciting year goes to an end, while the new one already awaits us! Some of us may start the year longing for someone or something. Some of us may already have everything their heart desires. But we all know this feeling of longing.
We are proud to start the year with such a meaningful end emotional exhibition called "Longing" and ♥-ly invite you to the opening party of Lizbeth Morningstar's exhibition!
Saturday, Jan. 06th starting at 06am SLT
Please find a few personal words of the artist itself about her exhibition:
"Longing - Have you ever missed a person? The time of longing seems endless. Every minute passes slowly. Even the sky is blue, flowers blossom, your spring breeze freezes still.
In ancient, many women were left behind. They were waiting for their lovers day by day, year by year drowned by loneliness, swallowed by longing. Poems written with love and mercy, drew a soft line to the sketches of these pitiful ladies."
Lizbeths exhibition will be available until the end of February 2024
Lizbeth, Tom & Lizzy looking forward to see you around! ♥