Come see the amazing Art and hear the talented Musicians at Glastonbelli 2022 in Second Life!

GlastonBelli is a Virtual Music Festival in Second Life
that features live musicians and artists.

Come see and hear the amazing talent this festival has to offer!

This event features Live Musicians and exhibits Art by
Caly Applewhyte, Alex Riverstone, Melina Sue,
Stephen Venkman, Bijoux, Creaky Ballyhoo and me, Owl Dragonash.

June 26 9am – 2pm

Musicians performing include:

9 am Alsund
10 am LLuis Indigo
11 am Cranston Yordstorm
12 pm Jed Luckless with particle show by Moondance Parx

Do join us
and if you want more info full blog post here